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Subject: Dreading going back to work 1 Replies

  • Started by Debbie on May 04, 2022
Due back to work in 4 months time and I am already worrying about it. Can anyone replace me, how am I going to be sure I pick the right person. I am all over the place, should I become a stay at home Mum?? If I didnt have the mortgage hanging over my head but really not a reality. Love love to hear from Mums that went through this..

Subject: Suffering 2 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Feb 01, 2022
Hi everyone I had my 2nd baby 12 weeks ago I’m constantly feeling scared to be alone don’t want to go anywere I don’t know what is wrong with me

Subject: Struggling 2 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Feb 02, 2022
Hi all.. I am a first time mum to a 17month baby boy.. I am 31 live at home with my mum and dad my boyfriend moved in before the pandemic and babys birth and we are still here.. I feel stressed here as I feel I am not doing things the way my mam would and sometimes it makes me so frustrated. She is good to us but feel she is getting distant sometimes.. I think I had some depression before my baby was born , it was manageable at that time I was able to go to the gym and have time and space for myself to recover from day to day stuff/work etc.. I was becoming more social isolating at that time also when I look back.. now since my baby was born the pandemic living with my parents still and first time living with my boyfriend I feel like I am so depressed I don't want too get up in the mornings I argue with my bf who did what etc I am paranoid my mam feels its too much us being at her house I am paranoid she is talking about us too other family members.. I am paranoid family think we are using then.. we are planning on moving out this year and have saved a house deposit. It was stressful as my bf worked with family and could not move jobs until recently so wasn't able to bring in much money I know my mam was trying to help with suggestions but was making my paranoid worse.. I cry most days now I'm always stressed iv had 3 new jobs since going bk to too work in Feb 21. I plan on going too my doctor to discuss this as it is affecting me my relationships, I have never received mental health help I don't know I'm how I'm feeling is pnd or just depression .. I'm I'm not feeling sad I have anxiety..

Subject: First time Mum 3 Replies

  • Started by Audrey on Jan 19, 2022
I am a first time Mum to an 8 month boy. Being a Mum is something I've always wanted and my husband and I always wanted children. I find I am struggling at the moment. My son has decided he doesn't like his car seat anymore and going anywhere in the car, unless necessary, causes untold stress. He will only nap in his buggy, when walking. Which is fine on the days that I feel like getting up and out but on wet days it can be difficult, especially when exhausted from the night before. He usually sleeps well but at the moment he is waking at night and is very difficult to settle. It is upsetting for us all. I feel extremely limited in where I can go and what I can do. Most days its just easier to stay at home and go for walks near the house. I find this is really getting me down. I feel slightly rejected in that my son will settle for my husband but not for me. I am wondering if anyone else feels like this or has any advice on any of the above. Thanks!

Subject: Loosing my mind 1 Replies

  • Started by Eimer on Jan 11, 2022
I recently had my baby girl she is now 3 months old and i have a little boy who is 1 since november. I never suffered with pnd after my little boy i was always so organized and everything was done night before myself and partner had a good relationship. Since baby 2 has arrived i just feel like im in a daze morning till night . I was fine for first few weeks and i am trying by best to put a routine of such in place for the two of them so i can get housework done and still have atleast 10 minutes so i can just sit down and breath .. my partner isnt helping much and then is saying u dont have time for us anymore u dont want to be intimate with me no more truth is i dont care anymore. I just have enough in me each morning to see to my two chikdren for the day and thats it i am starting to get irritable it seems like i just get one too sleep and the other to sleep and go start washing or housework and one wakes then they wake the other and i am lost on what i can do
  • Started by Julia on Nov 26, 2021
Some time ago I was diagnosed with thrombophilia, but I did not worry or think about it when I was planning to have a baby. My mother also had thrombophilia, but she had me without problems. Everything had change 5 years ago. After many trials and hopes, I managed to get pregnant, but at 36 weeks I lost the girl. They told me that there had been a massive infarction of the placenta and that the baby had died from lack of blood. I still do not understand why and after years it is hard for me to accepted what happened. Also, I have been starting to realize that it is more and more difficult to get pregnant. I was thinking of donating eggs from a specialized egg bank as a solution. My partner is hopeless and does not trust egg donation, but it would be the last attempt I would be willing to make. I live in Cork. Do you know any clinic that works with egg banks that can help me in this case? I'd like to make an appointment with a doctor to see if I can convince my partner to try again. Any opinion would really help me at this point. Hope someone can help me. Thanks.
  • Started by Anon on Sep 25, 2021
Hi all I hope everyone is good. My precious boy is 15 months old and I love him to bits. I feel I have had pnd for months I had hun in June and up until Christmas was flying it. In the new year I started to feel down and fixate on worrying about my little boy I feel he has been hugely impacted by the pandemic and not seeing many people. I panicked because he wasn’t crawling by the milestone age he did start to crawl. I now panic that he isn’t talking or clapping hands or waving. He gives kisses when you say give kiss and chases me I have been to my gp and she just put me on fenergon for sleep. Have brought my little boy to the phn but she just goes on about how tired and anxious I look. I wake at night worrying there is something wrong. When I wake I dread the day I fixate on playing games with him my husband says just let him lead the play but I see all these mums on social media doing messy play sensory play stacking games etc my lad just wants to fly up and down the hall banging at doors and if I build blocks he just wants to knock them I find the day so long because I feel I don’t know what to do with him I feel so guilty and like he would be better off with someone else. It’s very unfortunate for him he got me as a mum he is so lovely and deserves so much better

Subject: Delayed post natal 2 Replies

  • Started by Shawnie22 on May 12, 2021
I need advice fro u women please my wife 1 year ago had a baby and after a month he went into hospital for a month he is fine now.after this she got delayed post natel depression.she went on meds but an november told me she dosent love me and hasent for 3 years had the baby to save the marriage i then found out she had stopped them when i found an unopened box in the press.during that time she drank alot after x mas she told me she was going to weenoff them but 1 week later she said she was fin.things have been bad since she is telling me she has no feelings for me d marriage is over and wont do anything to work on it.she is so numb wont let me touch her or kiss her she has to force herself to hug me.she said she is fine but i have been trying to ger help from her friends and now she hates me for talking to them behing her back an dats d big issue at the min for the marriage.i know this isnt her she isnt wven the same with the kids anymore just dosent care as much into her apperence more now what should i do

Subject: Antidepressants 1 Replies

  • Started by Carole on Apr 02, 2021
Hi, new to the page. I had my baby seven months ago. Is there such a thing, or have you experienced delayed post natal depression? Or was it there all the time and now I've just put a name on it? Notwithstanding the massive, negative impact Covid is having on my mental health, I always considered myself fiercely independent and strong minded but now, I don't recognise myself at all. I cry for no reason, any reason and I've found myself using the word anxious when this was never in my vocabulary before. I've read here that many have gone to doctors and were prescribed antidepressants however I refuse to go on them because they mask the symptoms rather than deal with the real issues. I suppose I'm wondering, how do I deal with the issues. I'm married and my husband was very understanding but now I don't think he knows what to do, or what to say. I feel that my responses to everything he does is negative and this would just not be the real me.

Subject: Ms 1 Replies

  • Started by Grace on Mar 15, 2021
Hi I have been recently diagnosed with pnd and very much struggling with anxiety. I was commenced on lustral by gp but I reacted to this and had to stop. I have been commenced on amitripline. I was wondering has anyone had this medication and how did you find it?
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