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Subject: Please help 1 Replies

  • Started by Grace on Oct 21, 2019
My baby is now 10 months. I didn’t recognize it at the start but I suffered from depression during the pregnancy and after. I had a traumatic birth but still adored my baby the moment I saw her. I passed off the birth trauma as no big deal and worth everything but as the months went on I became more enraged, anxious and depressed. It won’t lift. I’m doing everything but noting will help. My relationship with my husband is becoming more and more strained. He’s fed up and angry at this illness. He becomes more and more withdrawn from me when really I need his love and support but he’s fed up. Iv tried to talk to family and trusted friends but no one is taking me seriously. Iv thought about suicide many times but the thoughts of leaving my baby is too much. Someone please tell me something to help.

Subject: Breastfeeding and medication 2 Replies

  • Started by Anon on Sep 14, 2019
Hi everyone! I’ve just been diagnosed with pnd and prescribed Prozac.. I’m really hoping to continue breastfeeding ( my baby is nearly 5mths) but I’m really worried about medication being passed onto my baby! Just wondering if anyone has any experience or advice for me! It’s my 3rd baby, had pnd with my first but not my 2nd so was really shocked when the awful sense of anxiety, low mood, snappiness and general feeling of being miserable was back! Thank you all. It’s great to know we are not alone with these feelings!

Subject: PND post breastfeeding 4 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Aug 03, 2019
Hi I’ve recently been diagnosed with PND,I’ve been suffering from anxiety since my daughter was born but when I stopped breastfeeding her two months ago things got way worse. My daughter is now 18months and I feel like I’m going crazy, everything is a big deal, I cry at the drop of a hat, I’m always exhausted and dizzy and I can’t cope with any kind of confrontation no matter how small. Has anyone else ever experienced PND in this way ? I have chosen not to take medication as we are trying for another baby and the clock is against me but I’m afraid that counselling alone will not help. Has anyone chosen to go this route ? Thanks for any help

Subject: Struggling to connect 2 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Jul 08, 2019
I was diagnosed with pnd a few months ago and I'm taking antidepressants and had to get the dose doubled to see if it helps. I find it hard to get through the days on my own with my babies and I don't feel as connected to them as I did a few months back. I feel I'm letting them down and also I find the pnd is driving a wedge between my husband and myself. Every day is a struggle and I find I'm acting I front of people but I side I'm screaming.

Subject: POST NATAL ANXIETY 7 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Jun 06, 2019
Hi Just wondering is there anyone here that is suffering or has recovered from post natal anxiety and intrusive thoughts ?
  • Started by Mary on Jun 21, 2019
Hi, I'm on sertraline 25mg for depression, since 20 weeks pregnancy, now 32 weeks. My doctor says it's safe for the baby, but I've read some confusing info about SSRIs being linked to autism, and although the research is sketchy at best (3% risk instead of 1% risk), I can't get the idea out of my head and I'm so scared and anxious. Has anyone been on similar antidepressants and had a healthy happy baby? Please help. Trying to see GP today but can't get appointment

Subject: How long does it last 1 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Jun 10, 2019
Hi just wondering how long pnd little girl is 20 months.i have been very anxious irritable tired all the time and not very fun to be around.its not every day but every week and my anxiety is hard to control.just wondering if this could be pnd still even though it’s been 20 months.

Subject: How long does it last? 2 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on May 27, 2019
I have a 3 month old baby and a toddler and I'm finding it so hard to manage. I try to get out of the house but have no enjoyment and don't look forward to doing things. I keep making plans and putting them off. I am oversensitive and everything upsets me. I am irritable and getting into arguments with everyone over silly things. I spoke to the health nurse because I burst into tears in her office but I'm afraid to speak to anyone else in case they don't support me because I've been so argumentaitve lately I think they're sick of me. I'm due back to work in 3 months and can't enjoy my time off because I'm sick to my stomach with anxiety and worry. If I can't cope now, how will I manage when I go back to work? I am a teacher and know if I take time off with PND I will eventually go back and everyone will be asking what's wrong. I am embarrassed to tell people. A girl was out with PND for few weeks and everyone was talking behind her back saying she just made it up because she wanted more time with her baby. I also will be examined my a doctor from the department of education if I am off for more than 28 days and the thoughts of this makes me so sick. Will I ever be ok to go back to work?

Subject: Support Groups Dubli 0 Replies

  • Started by Franced on May 24, 2019
I'd love to hear of support groups in dublin?

Subject: Don’t know where to start 1 Replies

  • Started by Lost on May 05, 2019
My boy is 10 months and I’m miserable a lot. He has never been a sleeper, although he has improved he still wakes 2-3 times a night. We had about 3 weeks of sleeping through although he still woke at 5am but then he got sick. He doesn’t eat just wakes whinging. Then he’s up for the day at 5am. Naps are a fight and he will only sleep in his pushchair. I should add aside from that he is the sweetest happiest little boy. I on the other hand am crumbling. I had my boy abroad and after a difficult birth struggled. I put it down to the blues. Before my boy arrived my father in law died and why baby was 6 months we decided to move back to Ireland. Needless to say we’ve had a lot of change and it’s taking its toll. Some days I don’t want to wake up as everything feels so hard. I have no friends, don’t go out at night and do very little for myself. I look at friends who are so chilled and I seem to spend all my time trying to put him asleep, whilst their babies sleep away. With all the stress my marriage is falling apart. My husband tries so hard but he is struggling so much too. I don’t know where to start, there are no meetings near me and I don’t feel close enough to my gp to speak to him. I love my son and do everything with him but I miss my old life and then feel guilty. My family are lovely but they just don’t get it and keep telling me to chill out.
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