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Subject: Medication and excercise? 2 Replies

  • Started by Suzanne on Nov 25, 2014
Hi, I have pnd and just been diagnosed now. my baby is now 11months old. i have just started my medication and on 10mg escitalopram. i feel very muggy and want to start exercise to lift me i am afraid though i might get too dizzy or the impact this might have if i start the exercise. Can you give me advice?

Subject: any moms from co kerry 3 Replies

  • Started by elaine on Sep 20, 2016
Hi Elanine there is a support group in Kerry it is based in Listowel and they run Support Groups their no 086 7872107. You can also ring PND Irl 021 4922083 they run support groups, coffee mornings, and have a help line, they also have a book called recovering from Postnatal Depression which can be ordered on the website

Subject: Baby blues or pnd 1 Replies

  • Started by Roxy on Jan 01, 2017
Hi There, I am looking for some advice/insight. My waters broke at week 36, 2 days after the death of my grandfather. I was in hospital for 2 days and on Xmas day I went in to labour, I was 36.6 when the baby was born on Stephens day. The labour was great but after I had a retained placenta. The midwifes where fantastic, they tried everything to avoid me having to go to theather but I lost a lot of bloodand started fainting etc and ended up under general anesthesia to get sorted. I thought I was going to die. 18 hours after I started to feel so so sad. I came home a day after my son was born Because I thought it would help my mood. Now I am home everything in my house reminds me of when I was pregnant and I can't stop crying. I can't stop feeling sad and every night at 7 it gets worse. I dony know is it my ordeal after labour or that I feel robbed of my last 4 weeks of pregnancy but these feelings are starting to worry me. I adore my son and he is so good. But I can't help but feel he shouldn't be here yet and i feel so guilty for giving him a birthday so close to xmas.

Subject: PND after my second child 1 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Aug 09, 2019
Hi everyone, my first time posting here. I’ve just had my 2nd child 5 weeks ago and feel like I’ve cried everyday since she’s born. I’m currently breastfeeding so can’t really get much of a break from the baby. My problem is I’m really resenting my husband at the moment. He works full time and plays sport few times a week which is making me feel like I’m constantly with the kids on my own. He’s always asking other people to mind the toddler to give me a break but I feel really guilty as I already feel like I’m not giving her enough attention since her sister arrived and I recently was re admitted to hospital with mastitis for 3 nights so my toddler screams everytime I leave her side because she thinks I’m going back into hospital. I also had to leave work early as I had spd and could not walk properly. This was another reason why I felt guilty because I couldn’t leave the house on my own with my toddler months before I was due to give birth. Are these signs of pnd? Or am I just tired and feeling guilty because my first born is so young too. I’m so confused but exhausted from all the crying I’m doing. Any feedback would be great, thanks.

Subject: Unsure 1 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Aug 08, 2019
I got pŕegnant with my youngest girl when I was doing my masters (and working full time). At 11 weeks I had a bleed and later found out i miscarried a twin. I had a really stressful pregnancy and had a lot going on during this time between work and studying. My youngest is now 13 months and I'm back at work. I find myself so irritable with my husband and my oldest girl and have days where I feel like crying for no reason or over anxious about stuff I can't control. I feel guilty that I'm not giving my best to my daughter's and I'm letting my husband down. I've been feeling like this on and off since my baby was born but it has definitely improved since going back to work. I'm not sure if I'm over analysing or if i should talk to someone. Any advice would be appreciated.

Subject: Feeling broken 1 Replies

  • Started by Ciara on May 10, 2019
Hi I had my baby girl 2 weeks ago tomorrow I know it's a very short time but I just feel like, i have been to my GP and the mental health team here in cork but I just feel so broken I don't know how I'm going to look after my baby I feel that she would be better off without me that I can't bond with her. I keep thinking things won't get better at all and that I will be stuck like this and fail as a mother
  • Started by Anonymous on Jul 24, 2019
Just wondering,if any interest to try set up a coffee morning in Dublin for mums going through pnd and mums who've come out the other side?.:)

Subject: Support groups Cahir/Clonmel 3 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on May 17, 2019
Hi there I was wondering if there was support groups for PND in this area.Thank you
  • Started by Anonymous on Jun 08, 2019
Hi , I was wondering if anyone has taken lexapro for been anxious ? How did you find it in beginning? I have a 12 week old baby and a very active 3 year old. I was getting quite anxious but not depressed. The doctor asked me if I wanted to try somthing to help . She prescribed 5mg of escitalopram generic brand of lexapro to be taken daily for a week then 10 mg to be taken after one week. I'm on it 5 days and feel way worse than I was before. I rarely ever get down now I feel really depressed and anxious. The doctor said it actually makes you feel worse before it makes you feel better. I'm sorry I went on them at all and just want to come off them. How has anyone else found them ?

Subject: PND and no support network 3 Replies

  • Started by Nessa on Dec 04, 2019
Hi Guys, i just saw this today and thought id message for some support. I've a 14 month old boy, never had any difficulty bonding with him, but have been feeling low and isolated since prob last xmas. I started back smoking around tgen I literally chain smoke and drink coffee everyday. We moved to a new area at the start of my babas life i did go to mother and baby groups and baby massage, but stopped going to baby massage, i just wanted to stay in the house smoking outside, i was finding it more difficult to put on facade with people and this cyclecontinued, id make excuses for not meeting people usually my child was sick. He started solids at 4 months and at tge start i was great at pureeing everything. But i struggled at the dinners for him, hes not 14 months and has never had meat, i also have an obsession about him choking, he now eats very little in creche etc .. i put off going to my parents cause my mom doesnt understand why im still pureeing, and why he doesn't eat mash or pasta or anything. I am not great at eating, and now mealtimes in our house are so frustrating because he eats nothing, i blame myself , because i became disinterested, stopped readingthe nutrition books was too much of an effort to go to grocey shopping its just terrible. My child is always sick with throat infections and again i blame myself cause of the smell of smoke on my clothes. Things with my partner are not great he has hisown issues with drink etc. I think hes so frustrated with me now, when the weekend comes aroundin my head im like yeah we'll go to animal farm with him or something but i end up staying in my dressing gown tol afternoon, and going back to bed with mu son for his nap .its not right for my poor baba, my partner is not very supportive, not once has he got up in the middle of the night to my son, i went out one night with the girls before returning to work, my child was up at midnight crying in bed with daddy wet nappy got no bottle, and he just gave him to me and gave put to me for going out on a sunday night, ive never gone out since then , im afraid that daddy doesnt look after him, also my partner got really drunk oct bank holiday, where police were called because he tried to choke me, everyone now not talking to me unless i move away from him, so now im totally on my own with no family support and my black hole is getting worse, insteas of my partner giving me support i got abused for going out or for him being frustrated with how im behaving. Im off work for two weeks on stress leave, i cant face getting up to go to work or put my child in creche, in the back of my mind , im also trying to think about leaving my partner maybe so all this on top of PND is crippling me, i exist now i dont live
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