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Subject: Leading a double life. 2 Replies

  • Started by Rachel on Dec 01, 2014
So I just recently found this page and I feel as though I can relate to what everyone on here is going through. I have a two and half year old and an eight week old daughter. My first birth experience was awful. Very traumatic and my baby ended up needing surgery. It took me a very long time to recover even after my baby was released from hospital. My second birth was fast and so much less stressful. We were even allowed go home in 24 hours but as soon as we got home there were issues. I was trying to breastfeed and it wasn't working. Lots of screaming and then once she was bottle fed loads of reflux to top it all off she never slept during the day. It turned out she had a ptt. We got it released but things were still bad. We have taken her to a doc and osteo but everything I have tried hasten worked. I was initially delighted but as time has gone on I find myself getting more and more depressed. I have tried talking to my partner but he doesn't know what to say. I don't have s support system as I don't have any family here and all of my friends either work or don't have kids. I have reached out in my area but there doesn't seem to be much going on. At this point I am certain I have pnd. I feel anxious most of the time ,frustrated and I cry a lot. I love my baby but she doesn't seem to get much comfort from me when she is upset which is incredibly hard to deal with. My son was always so chilled out and if he did get upset if I picked him up and held him close he would relax. I feel so angry that my partner gets to leave everyday. I feel like I can't get anything done because she screams so much during the day and while she screams it upsets my other child so then the two of them cry. I even tried to reach out to one of my close friends but she didn't seem to know what to say almost like she didn't want to talk about it. I don't drive and my partner starts a new job next week were he will be gone a lot and I am dreading it. Even when he runs out the shop it's really tough. Up to this point I feel like I've kept all of this hidden from everyone. I am supposed to be over the moon. I have a healthy baby and my husband just got a new job. I feel pretty lost but I also feel like by the time I meet everyone else's needs there is nothing left for me. I don't even feel like I have the time to deal with this.

Subject: Confused and feeling alone 3 Replies

  • Started by Flor on Dec 05, 2014
Hi all, I really don't know if I am suffering from pnd or if it's jut the baby blues. I have a beautiful 14week old and I truly love her with all my heart but I just can't seem to find any happiness in myself or in my partner. I do really love him but at times I just want to scream at him I get so angry and I've never been like this before. I cry every day, I just feel like I'm not doing anything right, I can't stand the sight of myself since giving birth, I feel like a hideous stretch mark, wrinkly skin covered monster. Sometimes I wonder if we made a mistake having a baby, then I feel so guilty, a mother shouldn't think of their child as a burden. I just never get a break, he can't help at night he has no patience and gets stressed out and shouts at the baby so I have to look after her every time she gets upset, I can't stand what this has done to us and to me, I have no one to turn to, no friends in his town and family isn't an option. I would love to e able to go for a walk each day but by the time the housework is done and baby is settle its often 4pm before I can shower or even have breakfast, finding it hard to care about food anyway. I can't finish meals and even though she's fast asleep right now I'm wide awake, I'm having about 3/4hours sleep a night, all I keep thinking is how lucky he is he can sleep and still go out to meet his friends or go for a few pints, I don't drive and it's an hour walk to town, I just want to feel happy and enjoy my baby, we were trying to have her for so long I feel like a monster.

Subject: What to do 2 Replies

  • Started by Lisa on Nov 25, 2014
Hi everyone, This is my first time posting anywhere like this. I have a beautiful little boy, 5 months old. since last weekend all Ive done is cry! I have moments where I have actually lost my breath. I always said to myself if there is even a hint of PND I was off to the doctors, which I did. She agreed that there was a depression there and prescribed me Prozac and a counsellor. I tried to explain exactly how I was feeling to goes.... I have a good life, good husband, good job, nice home, good friends etc. My father was recently diagnosed with cancer, and although the doctors seems positive about a recovery, I have become obsessed with both my parents dying. I cant cope with the thought of being on this planet without them. Even typing this is making me really upset. My mum is in good health, was at the doctors last year and apart from B12 all was good. My dad took his diagnosis v bad, and I think because of the hormone therapy, his short term memory is shot to bits.. its v hard to watch him shuffle about now, He's only a shadow of the man he was 12 months ago. This is all taking its toll on my mum, who is exhausted. I have more or less cried non stop since sunday morning. Im just exhausted. What do I do, is this PND or Depression? Thank you xx

Subject: Joanne 1 Replies

  • Started by Joanne on Nov 17, 2014
It's just over a year since i started taking meds for PND.. Yes they are working. Stupidly about 2 months ago, I thought I was feeling great and stopped taking them.. Cold turkey.. Oh the sickness was awful. I didn't realise what was wrong. I was sick and dizzy and just in General felt awful. Then the lack of ability to cope sank in.. I knew I had to start taking them again. I'm back to normal again. Well, 'my' normal. I'm due to see my doctor again next month. Today, my daughter is almost 18 months old, but today I really finally feel I fell in love with her. She is so beautiful and perfect with the most chubbiest legs ever!! Oh god, I adore this child. I always loved her. But the love I felt today I never thought I was capable of. I am looking to the day where I won't need medication to cope. I'm afraid it the meds that are making me love my girl. I want to believe I love her on my own. Has anyone else ever felt like this?

Subject: Post Natal Anxiety 1 Replies

  • Started by Sharon on Nov 14, 2014
Yes anxiety is so bad and yet it took all my confidence, I couldnt make a decission on my own but TG I got better it took time. Marion Keys the writer was talking about her depression on the radio on Saturday and she said some days she had to just get through one minute at a time. What helped her TV, just getting lost in a kids film. In the middle of the night when she couldnt sleep she baked (I never had that energy) a friend cleaned out her kitchen!! not me either, you need to find what is a distraction for you. Effexor eventually worked for me, it could take 8 weeks for higher dose to kick in, check with your GP. Just keep telling yourself you will get better and dont forget to get some exercise every day, it really helps
  • Started by Di on Jan 15, 2015
Some discussions wont allow me to answer, says there is an error, are ye aware of this?

Subject: siobhan 3 Replies

  • Started by it does get better! on Mar 19, 2015
Siobhan this is interesting. I went to a nutritionist and all my vitamins were extremely good besides my iron levels which I was able to rectify. My depression got so bad that i was actually nearly at the point of screaming all the time,im on medication now but yes I am so confused though regarding the nutrition end of things, why wasn't i ok, if all my vitamins were so good?? I might just go back to my nutritionist and see what her feedback is on this. at the time i didn't realise i was suffering i just thought this was how every other mother was feeling with their first baby.

Subject: My husband doesn't understand 0 Replies

  • Started by Clair on Jan 15, 2015
Clair I know how you feel, men really find it hard to understand and really I dont think they can. Try to talk to him when you having a good day, tell him what helps you. He is worried and probably has nobody to turn to, men find it hard to share about private stuff. Have you taken him to the GP with you, this might be a help. Do you know if you have a Support meeting in your area? It helps to hear other peoples stories.
  • Started by annmarie on Oct 28, 2015
here I am, almost six years after you posted this. You've reminded me that I can do this. Brave, strong women ask for help. Thank you. So much. xxxxxxx
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