What is PND?

Postnatal Depression...

..or PND, is a term used to cover feelings of depression after having a baby. At first many women are tired, feel unsure and are not able to cope when they come home from hospital. This normally passes within a couple of weeks. However, for mothers with postnatal depression, things do not improve:
I was so looking forward to having this baby, and now I feel utterly miserable. What's the matter with me?
The labour went beautifully - much better than I expected, and everyone's been marvellous, especially Jim... So why aren't I over the moon?
I was so afraid that there'd be something wrong with her? Perhaps, I'm not cut out to be a mother?

A Common Complication

These women are not ungrateful or unmotherly: they are experiencing one of the most common complications of childbirth, from which too many women still suffer unnecessarily in silence - Post-Natal Depression.

Puerperal Psychosis

is the most extreme form of postnatal mood change, it is fairly rare, affecting 1 in 500 new mothers. Symptoms are evident within a short time after the birth and include the mother becoming restless, mildly confused and unable to sleep, sufferer loses contact with reality. Medical intervention is vital.

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07:00PM - 09:00PM

Bru Columbanus

Jan 28


Bru Columbanus
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Contact Details

  • PND Ireland,
    Administration Building,
    Cork University Hospital,
  • support@pnd.ie
  • 021 4922083

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