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Subject: New mother 1 Replies

  • Started by Helen on Sep 10, 2023
Hi. I have a 12 week old and still really suffering and struggling with mental health. Looking for people to recommend groups to attend to meet and chat with new mothers to help me. Thanks

Subject: Baby with silent reflux 1 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Aug 26, 2023
Desperately struggling with baby with silent reflux. Impossible some days to get her to eat because of discomfort and little I can do to help her. I feel so worried about what might happen. No one I can talk to. Husband thinks I'm overreacting being so worried (and I do have major anxiety) so I can't express my feelings to him because it just causes endless arguments. Felt like a failure since the beginning due to failure to breast feed and gotten worse sense then. I feel so alone. Even when I asked my gp to refer me to mental health support in maternity hospital I got lost in a pile of paperwork for a month with no one reaching out to help me, and feels like I've spiralled in that month. I just want someone to listen to me and validate my feelings but I feel so alone. Some days I feel like it's hard to breathe because I'm so anxious. I know this will pass in time but right now it's so hard

Subject: Do i have depression? 2 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Aug 26, 2023
Hi I’m a mother of 2. A toddler (2.5) and a newborn of 2 months. My husband had to leave for work so he is out of country and I’m alone in ireland with no other family members or friends . I’m on my maternity leave but i could not travel with him as passport office has not issued my newborns passport even though i applied immediately after his birth. It’s taking ages. I’m breastfeeding. I was doing fine but lately my husband was so busy at work we couldn’t talk properly. He is always tired in the evening and slept during our calls. These days i feel so down most of the days i cry and get angry for no reason . I get irritable with kids they keep on crying or wants to play with me but i don’t respond to them. I make a to do list everyday but can’t do it. I am frustrated and angry with my husband that he left us here. Although i know it’s not his fault that passport office is taking that long to issue a newborn’s passport. I feel like no one understands my feelings or my situation. I just want my husband to understand and say some encouraging words to me but he is not good with words or expressing feelings. This makes everything worse there is no one i can talk to. I’m having my first period after childbirth and feeling awful but there is one i can lean on. If i share something with my husband he just says i need to be strong and be there for kids.i have stopped taking his calls now making my relationship worse. I just keep on crying most of time and keep having thoughts of just isolating myself switch off my phone and just lock myself at home. I feel like no one cares how i feel. Could it all be post natal depression? Should i talk to my GP?

Subject: 3 week Old Bay girl 1 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Jul 14, 2023
3 week old baby girl. Really struggled this week partner went back to work. We are arguing more and Really find things difficult between us. He went to his home house tonight now and things are just so hard. I cry to much and Really struggling mentally. Need support services

Subject: Ashamed and embarrassed 5 Replies

  • Started by E on Mar 21, 2023
I am a 5 month boy and I think I have had untreated PND since the beginning. I had a tough birth and struggled greatly with breastfeeding only making it to three months and felt like a totally failure. I am embarrassed at how little I can do on my own with the baby. People keep suggesting baby and mother groups or meeting for coffee but I don’t feel I can do it. I am deeply ashamed of how I let myself go at the end of the pregnancy and during the first few weeks when I couldn’t move off the couch due to c section recovery and a baby that fed round the clock. Locking myself away from the world and cancelling any plans I had seems like the best option. My sister tells me he’s a perfect baby and I’m lucky which just makes me feel even more incompetent. I’m drowning in it all and feel like I’m doing nothing right. I’m ruining the experience of our first child for my husband and I feel they’d be better off just the two of them without having to tip toe around me. I have no one to turn to as my family are very much of the view get on with it and stop indulging yourself. I don’t know how much longer I can manage.

Subject: feeling so anxious 1 Replies

  • Started by emma on Feb 16, 2023
Hi am a mother of 2,my LG was 2 in November and my little boy will be 1 at the end of the month. I have been experiencing postnatal depression since I had my little boy. I am wondering if you could point me in the right direction for a counsellor who works with ladies suffering from PND in cork? I would love for this year to be a more stable and calm year for my mental health
  • Started by AnnMarie on Mar 21, 2016 I'm a Mum of two, a 16 year old and a 9 month old, each time I got PDN, each time the shame nearly crippled me. I dont know where this shame came from, and if it was simply a symptom of the PDN for me, but I know it stopped me seeking help for a long time in both cases. My experience with depression has led me to do a degree in Psychotherapy and I'm in third year presently and conducting a research project into PDN. I would be thrilled if any of you could fill this in. It is entirely anonymous and I just have a short piece to read first: I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude in advance for taking the time to participate in this survey, providing you choose to do so. I have a personal interest in the suffering of Post Natal Depression and the link between shame and seeking treatment. As part of my research as a trainee psychotherapist, it is part of my third year criteria to conduct a research into an area of my choice. My own personal experience of Post Natal Depression and feelings of shame associated with this, led me to choose this particular topic for my research project. In order to conduct my research I have decided to devise a questionnaire on monkey survey directed to mothers that have experienced Post Natal Depression and ask participants to lend their own personal experience to the body of my work. These questions can potentially evoke feelings of sadness or ignite a reminder of a possibly very painful time in your life, to this end I would like to list out the relevant support services available for PDN or indeed depression of any kind. I would also like to lend my own services to counsel a participant who has been affected directly by the participation in my questionnaire. My personal contact number is 085 737 8582, please feel free to reach out to me for support. Please find below relevant support services: With regard to confidentiality, please be aware that your identity and contribution to the study are anonymous, as is the nature of the ‘Monkey Survey’ internet site. If for any reason you are unable to complete the survey, you have the right to withdraw. Please find the link below to complete the questionnaire. Many thanks for your contribution to my study and I wish you the very best of luck with your own research projects. Kind Regards

Subject: Groups in Mayo 7 Replies

  • Started by Kayla on Nov 14, 2016
Hi, does anyone know if there are any support groups in Mayo?

Subject: Support Group 8 Replies

  • Started by Roz on Nov 14, 2018
Hi all, I’m looking to chat to mums who are recovered or going through PND PNA. I’m suffering from PNA currently although have started anti depressants and and in therapy. Genuinely can’t believe this is happening to me. I love my LG and adore spending time with her, but can’t shake the anxiety / thoughts. I know it’s something I will get through but would love to have a few friends to discuss with at this hard time x

Subject: unsure if its PND 1 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Oct 25, 2022
Hi, I just found this website as Ive been googling about PND. I am a first time mum to a 10 week old baby girl. I definatly suffered with the baby blues at the start, but I'm unsure if I now have PND. I have suffered with anxiety for years, but this subsided massively when I was pregnant, but it has resurfaced since my LO was born. I worry about SIDS, her health, her skin colouring on her face, airways, digestion etc etc and my health. I have recently become easily teary over nothing at all and very irritated, but not on a daily basis. I become so easily overwhelmed daily, however. I know writing this it sounds like PND, but Im just so unsure and dont want to waste GP time if Im just over reacting. Any insight would be amazing x
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