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Subject: advice greatly appreciated 2 Replies

  • Started by Kellie on Apr 15, 2016
Hey everyone, looking for a bit of help/advice from anyone who has gone through Post Natal Depression. I had my baby 5 months ago, everything from my pregnancy to birth was a breeze. Yet in the last few months I have been suffering terribly from Post Natal Depression. I feel so lost and alone, even though I have so much support around me. My partner contacted a doctor/public health nurse months ago at the 1st sign that there was something wrong, but I wouldn't attend as I didn't want to believe anything was wrong. Myself and my partner began to fight an awful lot, I became controlling, jealous, angry, anxious, insecure, the list goes on, to the point where he couldn't take it any longer and left. Now I feel so much more alone. It's killing the both of us to be apart. I have made an appointment with a doctor and I cannot wait to go. How long does it take to start feeling better? I need to get my relationship and family back if it's not too late. It's a horrible illness and my heart goes out to anybody else feeling this way x
  • Started by Joan on Jan 27, 2015
Its my second child and I was so looking forward to his arrival and I end up with Postnatal Depression. He is four months old and the happiest little fellow only cries to be fed. I feel so terrible so anxious, cant eat or sleep, now I feel guilty as I shouldnt have this as my baby so good. found it hard to go to GP and admit that something was wrong, I am on medication but still finding it really hard. The days are so long and I feel so down all the time, I really try to pretend that I am ok when anyone is around but pay for it afterwards. Please somone tell me it will go away, I am missing out on so much.
  • Started by Cathy on Mar 13, 2018
I see that the support group have a coffee morning every month. I would like to go but not sure what to expect, is there big signs up saying Postnatal Depression Coffee Morning. Can I just pop in for a while? Can I bring my baby?

Subject: Public Health Nurse? 1 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on May 12, 2018
So my son is 16wks and I'm starting to struggle. My husband thinks it might be PND, I'm not convinced but I appreciate it might not be something that I could see. Does anyone know could I contact my public health nurse or does it have to be the GP? I'm not scheduled back to the nurse for another couple of months.

Subject: Pnd hell 1 Replies

  • Started by Ger on Nov 26, 2018
I have a 6 month old baby boy . The first three months were fine. When my baby was around 3 months old I started to feel very down . Dreading the day a head with my baby . I have a history of anxiety ocd and mild depression. I’m currently taking Prozac 60mg and Iv just started Prothiaden 25mg . I’m so scared I’ll get worse and wouldn’t be able to mind my baby . I have a partner but he works long hours . Iv no family close by .

Subject: Pregnancy and Antidepressants 2 Replies

  • Started by Ang on Mar 18, 2015
Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone here took antidepressants during pregnancy? Or are there any online forums I can join to chat about it? I recovered from pnd last time (I actually had prenatal depression too but didn't get it treated). I'm 27 weeks along and have done everything I can to manage. My psychiatrist has reassured me that it is okay to take the antids but I feel if I could chat to someone who went through with taking the meds I'd feel better.

Subject: Babies weightloss & Illness 3 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Nov 21, 2017
My baby lost 13% weightloss in 5 days, i was trying to exclusively breast feed, she was then hospitalised. I keep thinking it was my fault, i didnt wake her enough to feed( she was a slwepy baby) or was i to tired i slept through the cries. its all such a mess in my head now. I keep remembering certain times when perhaps i didnt do the right thing. Im not sure if im tainting the truth in my head or not. I just keep thinking about it in my head & cry & cry at the thought i could have starved her. At hospital she did gain some weight they fed her through my expressed breast milk, but then used Formula as i couldn't express enough for demand. She did put on weight and would feed at the bottle. Im angry at myself as well for not knowing enough when she wouldn't feed at home. Why didn't i know i could express and why didnt i have a good breast pump. Why didn't i give her formula when she wasnt feeding - although these are all things i know i could do now i didn't know at the time nor did i think she would take a bottle if she didn't take the breast. I now know that not to be true. When we got home i still couldnt get her to latch so we stuck with the formula. A few days later we were back in hospital and found out she had an extreamly serious virus. When she got the correct medication she completly changed however by then my milk was drying up and as much as i tried it never fully returned. If the virus meant she wasnt feeding im not sure. either way i cant help to keep going over and over in my head if the reason she lost so much weight is my fault

Subject: any support groups in Louth 1 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Dec 17, 2017
anyone know of support groups in Louth

Subject: I'm so scared 2 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Jul 10, 2017
Hi, my baby is 8 months now and I just feel so bad I can't even explain it its just bad I feel bad and empty all the time. Everyone just calls me a moan and a crank but I just have the urge to rip clumps form my hair and smash my head against a wall ( I don't actually go through with it) I havnt told anyone how I'm feeling and nobody ever asks. If they did I know I'd break down in front of them. My partner has found me crying in the dark a few times but he just believes me when I say I just read a sad story and leaves me to it. I've no ill feelings towards my baby I love the bones off her so that's why I'm afraid to say out loud I have pnd incase it ever gets used against me ( not that it would it's just what I think) i would happily tell a doctor and take tablets but would the tablets turn me into a zombi? I don't want that but I don't want these feelings anymore :( I can't afford counselling

Subject: He did it for his ex and not me 2 Replies

  • Started by Babymomma on Feb 04, 2018
Hello ladies, I'm just here to have a rant I suppose! So I had my baby 12 weeks ago and my other half has a 5 year old son with his ex. Well I know how silly this is gonna sound but he got her flowers after she had his first son and I was promised I would get beautiful flowers too cos it's something that I kinda became slightly obsessed about. Anyway I had a great labour and I got my amazing beautiful baby boy...but no flowers! He explained he had no money which I understand given his job barely pays the bills but my argument is that he had my card and I obviously wouldn't have even noticed 20 quid gone for them. It's made me feel so worthless and completely not good enough compared, even though I know it's me he wants but I just can't shift it. He doesn't get how he made me feel like he had money to go out for dinner with his friend the night I had the baby. I don't really know what I'm looking for here but I can't get over how this has made me feel and I haven't cried for nearly 3 weeks and now I'm crying over this. He can't fix it now so how do we get passed it? With Valentine's coming up I know he's going to get me flowers that will just cause an argument. I'd love to tell him what he can do but I know I'll never ever forgive him.
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