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Subject: Do Support Groups Help with PND 1 Replies

  • Started by Lisa on Apr 29, 2015
I have been told that support groups really help with Postnatal Depression, I am very nervous to go in case I meet someone I know. I know this sounds stupid but only my family knows and I am affraid that I would be judged. I have been to the GP and am on antidepressants but I really feel I need support from people that understand this horrible illness.

Subject: Advice please 3 Replies

  • Started by Dee on Sep 12, 2015
Hi is it possible to recover from PND without taking medication ? I'm breastfeeding and I'm not sure about possible effects on my baby. I started taking antidepressants yesterday but felt really sick. Plus I was on antidepressants in the past for a number of years and I would really prefer not to have to be on meds long term again. I'm really not sure what to do
  • Started by francis on Mar 13, 2015
Hello, back here again after 2nd pregnancy, im so worried about my health, I had this last pregnancy also, kept thinking every niggle was something more serious. My neww baby is so good i feel so guilty. This time a week post birth my breasts extermely sore, after milk came in, I wos bottle feeding so just waiting for swelling soreness to go back down, noticed small lumps around breast when swollen, went to gp and he said just milk ducts etc, went a week until swelling to go back down, some disappeared and some small lumps left, doctor not concerned at all, saying they were breasts cysts but just wants me to have ultrasound, as refrence point for the future and so be absolutly sure, my anxiety levels have skyrocketed since, I can think of nothing else, obsessing that I have breast cancer, im going to die, and my small kids will be left with no mum, nevermind my husband. How will I last until the ultrSound date,? Ive told my husband, he is great, but just tells me to relax, more than likely milk ducts clogged etc.. which is reassuring but he is out all day working, sorry to go on..anyone else have similar experience? Tks for listening

Subject: am I doing the right thing?? 1 Replies

  • Started by leanne on Feb 26, 2015
Hi I had my little girl 6 months ago and was diagnosed with PND 4 months ago I have since been taking antidepressants and have been feeling much better since Christmas. I had to give up my small business altogether due to not being able to take the stress of it anymore and have felt a big weight lifted of my shoulders since. So I've been enjoying my baby and my older daughter and lots of love and laughs with my partner again, I got rid of all my social media accounts and my phone number so all I have in my life is my family and I feel like this has healed me. I am very happy at home with my family,I exercise everyday and cook healthy meals for everyone. But when I leave the house I feel horrible, I hate having to do food shopping,doing the school run and bumping into people I know. I was offered a small part time job and thought I might take it but the more I thought about it the more I panicked and have now decided I can't, I don't want to leave my baby and I feel sick and panicked when I think of leaving my happy bubble. But am I wrong in not taking it as we could do with the extra cash, should I try push myself??
  • Started by Clair on Mar 13, 2015
Clair you should not be ashamed PND is an illness that will go away, I felt so like you was so affraid that I would never be my old self but I did get better it did take some time and I had to go on medication. So important to try to stay posotive, take one day at a time. Try to get some exercise, it is vital. Have you somone you can talk to that .you can trust? Is there a support group in or around your area, it realy helps to talk to other women that can empathise with you. So good to realise you not on your own. Lots of women feel guilty when they cant breast feed, but at least you tried some mums dont try at all, once your baby is happy thats the important thing. Keep in touch, look at helpfull suggestions on the site, they do help.

Subject: At my lowest 2 Replies

  • Started by Monica on Jan 14, 2015
Not sure where to start...I have a 4months baby girl that is my life, but I feel like I'm going insane. I've been exclusively breastfeeding since she was born but I am now physically exhausted, not to say psychologically. I can't get her to take bottles (either expressed milk or formula). She doesn't want dummies. She's awake every day until 4 or 5am and barely naps during the doctor put me on medication for depression but I'm not taking it because I'm terrified it will harm partner keeps supporting me but we don't stick to the commitments of routines and stuff, me because I'm barely standing on my feet and him...well...not sure. I am completely alone in Ireland no family at all and the few friends have their own lives to deal with. I feel like falling on the floor with desperation. What should I do? I have to go back to work in 4weeks!! Help! Thanks for letting me say this to someone without having to put my I'm very wrong mask...

Subject: post natal? ??? 2 Replies

  • Started by Sarah on Jan 15, 2015
Hi I'm not too sure where to start...... my youngest has just turned 2 and every since I went back to work a year and a half ago I'm feeling very low. I'm unable to interact socially anymore. I can't seem to get involved with my work colleagues on the same level as I used to I can even make eye contact with them. I'm feeling very anxious and on edge all the time. I don't sleep very well it feels like I nap instead of sleep which isn't down to my son as he's slept through the night for a long time. I guess I'm just wondering would these be symptoms of post natal depression or something unrelated. I'm not too sure and to be honest I'm scared I'm pushing everyone away is affecting my work and my sanity.

Subject: hard to see point of life 3 Replies

  • Started by angst on Jan 01, 2015
Have had severe pnd since birth of baby #2. I thought I was doing ok but now I cannot see purpose of anything. My children are happy but I am not. I.honestly cannot see my purpose.
  • Started by siobhan on Dec 22, 2014
Just found out I'm pregnant but im worried ill get pnd again. Anyone get it again after haven first time around.
  • Started by Joan on Jan 09, 2015
My baby is 3 months old and is so good he sleeps and eats and is such a pleasure. I know I am so lucky but I feel terrible, anxious all the time, cant sleep or eat have lost interest in everything. I thought things would be so differant, what should I do, havent told anyone and havent gone to my GP. I feel like a failure, even writing this makes me feel terrible. Please reassure me that I am not alone and that I will get better.
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