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Subject: Worried 1 Replies

  • Started by on Aug 28, 2015
I don't think my baby loves me at all and that she blames me for her having to have an operation for pyloric stenosis and being starved for the week before it, now every time she's hungry and has to wait for her bottle to cool down its like she thinks I'm going to starve her again.... She always cries and gives out when I have her but is fine when someone else holds her.. We used to be so in love and now it's like she can't stand me.....I just find it so upsetting and wish she would like me so I can love her properly
  • Started by Liz on Aug 28, 2015
You sound so like me I thought it was going to be so easy as I thought I knew it all from the first time, but no it wasnt easy trying to mind 2 babies and trying to breast feed, the older one always seemed to want something when I sat down to feed. This is where TV comes in handy or getting someone to take the older one off for as hour to give you a break, I am sure there are lots of people you can ask. The first few months are really hard going so any support you are offered take it. You are doing brillant to have BF for 2 months you have given your little girl a great start. You dont have to struggle in silence, talk to your GP your Public Health Nurse they are there to help. Very important to try to get some exercise for yourself, even a short walk will stand to you.
  • Started by Katie on Aug 11, 2015
Hi Katie, oh I remember it well and it will go away, try to stay posotive (which I know is so hard) go out for a walk, just get out of the house, wallowing will not help. It is hard to get over the last bit, I think we get very impatient at the end and just want it gone. Keep talking it really helps. I found keeping a mood diary really helped to keep my confidence going. One day at a time and you will get there.

Subject: Have PND so lonely 1 Replies

  • Started by Tina on Jul 23, 2015
Been diagnoised with PND 2 months ago, I have no family close by, feel so lonely and isolated, being in the house on my own really upsets and stresses me. I havent told my partner as he under enough pressure. Is this normal?
  • Started by Jane on Sep 29, 2015
I had PND after my first baby, it took me over 6 months to recover. I was affraid to have another baby in case it came back. Three years down the road I am pregnant again, I am trying to be posotive but of course am so affraid it will come back. Have any of you been in this position and have ye any advice?

Subject: Dont want to go on Medication 1 Replies

  • Started by Jackie on Jun 24, 2015
I was diagnoised with PND 2 months ago, finding it hard to come to terms with it, I was always so self assured and independant, cant believe this happened to me. Really have an issue with going on medication but feel coming under pressure from my family and Doctor. Where I am now I find it so hard to make decissions (not one bit like me) can I do this myself if I have good support??

Subject: Alone in a new country 4 Replies

  • Started by Nicole on Dec 17, 2015
Nicole, you poor woman! I was almost in tears reading your post. I see you posted this 6 months and 3 weeks ago! How are you doing now? I really hope things have improved. I lived in Saudi Arabia for 7 years and when I moved to Irelans it was a MASSIVE shock to the system and I was a child back then and no kids (obviously). I can't being to imagine what you were feeling and going through. If you read this, I would love to know how you are doing and if you want to chat about anything I am here for that. I feel like us Mums who have or had PND are good for each other and that is the best support. No one like someone who has had the experience. Hope to see an update from you soon.
  • Started by Jenny on May 26, 2015
I have PND for the last 3 months and am obsessed with my own health and the babies. The anxiety is awfull and to make things worse have had a few panic attacks. I am on antidepressants but I dont seem to be getting any better, every day feels like a week. I worry all the time about the baby and have a path worn to the doctor. I am not sleeping and keep thinking there is something wrong with me medically.

Subject: lexapro over sleeping 1 Replies

  • Started by shaza123 on May 06, 2015
Hi. On.lexapro for several months. 10 mg. Some improvement in anxiety but ongoing sleepiness especially in the.mornings ; finking it v hard to get up even after 10 hrs sleep. Very vivid dreams too which are often v high anxiety focused. Craving sleep all day. Any advice?

Subject: Do Support Groups Help with PND 1 Replies

  • Started by Lisa on Apr 29, 2015
I have been told that support groups really help with Postnatal Depression, I am very nervous to go in case I meet someone I know. I know this sounds stupid but only my family knows and I am affraid that I would be judged. I have been to the GP and am on antidepressants but I really feel I need support from people that understand this horrible illness.
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