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  • Started by Marie on Apr 05, 2016
I was so excited when I discovered I was pregnant, read lods of maternity books and thought I totally prepared. I always have been independant and self assured and I end up with PND, I just could not believe it. I pretended everything was perfect (putting myself under so much pressure) the only one that I confided in was my husband. I am 3 months down the road and have so many up and down days. Feel I not a proper Mum and wonder will I ever get better.
  • Started by Gill on Mar 23, 2016
I couldnt wait to be pregnant and have a baby to make our life complete. Why did no one tell me how difficult it was going to be. I am exhausted all the time and really dont feel like I have bonded with my baby, I am affraid to tell anyone. What should I do?

Subject: Do I have PND? 2 Replies

  • Started by Karen on Apr 15, 2016
Hi there, Just a bit of advice please. My baby is 6 months old. I feel like he has just had issue after issue. Problems feeding on the breast which I fought through for 4 months to exclusively feed him with low weight gain. Severe colic until 12 weeks old which was hell on earth, then eczema which we think may be dairy related. Put him on a special formula which he hates so I fight through every feed with him which is exhausting. Now to add to it all he is waking 4 times a night. I was fine for the first 4 months but the last 2 months it has just all got on top of me. Once my baby is doing well and in good form I'm totally fine but when he goes through a day of not feeding or has a big eczema flare up I cannot cope anymore. I feel like I just can't win and in angry that it's all so hard. The phn said she doesn't think it's PND as most of the time I'm ok but I really don't know what to do about it all. I never thought having a baby would be so hard
  • Started by Katie on Dec 21, 2015

Subject: Thank you to PND Irl 1 Replies

  • Started by Jenny on Dec 21, 2015
Jenny Thank you so much for your kind words. I so agree with you about needing more support groups, they are so vital to be able to share with other women that have been in the same situation.
  • Started by Maria on Sep 22, 2016
I have postnatal depression, have been to GP and on a load of tablets and dont feel any better. I dont know what to do and affraid that I will get addicted. Cant believe I feel so terrible didnt think this could happen after having a baby.

Subject: Had really bad birth experience 1 Replies

  • Started by Annie on Nov 12, 2015
Hi Annie I can relate to this but time is a great healer, have you discussed your bad experience with your Maternity Hospital? Councilling can be helpfull with a qualified councillor. I remember after I had my first baby people were putting me under pressure to have number two. You need time to enjoy your baby.

Subject: low self esteem 4 Replies

  • Started by Rosie on Oct 30, 2015
My daughter is 1 year old but I'm still suffering from low self esteem to the point where I hate even looking in the mirror. I used to be able to talk to my other but he can't cope with me anymore feeling so bad about myself. I have nobody to talk to. I want the old me back, has anyone else felt like this? And if so, did you ever get back to feeling good about yourself?
  • Started by D on Oct 12, 2015
Have been feeling bad now for last two months. Have three kids youngest is 11 months. Have terrible worries about my own mental health. Worrying that I'm going to end up being institutionalized and that I will loose myself completely. Did anyone else have these crazy worries??? I have just started meds and am chatting to a therapist.

Subject: Getting through the day 3 Replies

  • Started by Emma on Apr 15, 2016
We had an unplanned pregnancy when I was in the last 3 months of my masters degree. I was never diagnosed, because being at uni in another county meant I was never able to get to my GP, but I believe I had ante and now post natal depression. I've had depression throughout my life so I know what it is. Now I'm in a job I hate and had to take to facilitate life with a baby. She's 19 months and the best thing ever. But I'm empty. I feel shortchanged for having to give up the life I was so close to having after the degree (was not able to pursue a career in what I studied due to the nature of the industry, media- lack of stability starting out) and am now stuck with paying off college fees for the next 5 years. We can't save for a house or afford to get engaged. And I feel I've shortchanged her because I wasn't ready to be a parent, and I'm not a great example because I messed up and didn't succeed. And I wasn't strong enough to persevere and make my own career despite of it all. I'm a completely different person to who I was before I got pregnant and I don't like who I am now. And that's the version of me she's getting and I hate that. I'm also not being good enough for my partner, and we have pretty much shut ourselves off from each other and are more like room mates. It's gotten to a point where I can't keep doing any of it, and I need to fix it so we can all be happy and live the lives we deserve. I just don't know how to go about doing it exactly. I eat well, exercise, journal, but nothing has helped so far. I have been on medication before and I don't like it, so would not be willing to go there again. I also have pretty bad physical issues since having her, and may need surgery on my hip/pelvis. So constant pain and discomfort isn't helping either. Anyone have a similar experience, or advise?
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