Ashamed that I suffering from PND

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Posted By Marie on Apr 01, 2016

I was so excited when I discovered I was pregnant, read lods of maternity books and thought I totally prepared. I always have been independant and self assured and I end up with PND, I just could not believe it. I pretended everything was perfect (putting myself under so much pressure) the only one that I confided in was my husband. I am 3 months down the road and have so many up and down days. Feel I not a proper Mum and wonder will I ever get better.

Posted By Cathy on Apr 05, 2016

You sound so like me, I couldnt believe how hard it was just being a MUm but a Mum with PND is another thing. I put off going to GP for weeks thought I would get myself right, eventually went as couldnt take any more, just getting out of bed so hard. It was so good to open up to someone and I did go on medication, it didnt get better over night it took a few weeks for them to start working and I confided in a few friends which really helped. I also found this group and it helped to know I was not on my own. I have a great relationship now with my baby and so appreciate every day

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