- Started by Maura on Jul 06, 2017
Cant believe have PND after 4th, it never happened before and to be honest thought wouldn't happen to me. I am so affraid have been to GP but really dont know where to turn. I am not sleeping not eating and so full of anxiety, afraid of everything, dont want to be on my own, the day is so long and I notice I am very snappy with the kids. I know its not their fault but I cant help myself. Any advice would really help. I am so ashamed, none of my friends have had this why me?
- Started by Emma on Jun 07, 2017
This is my third child and I have been feeling so down, crying a lot, no interest in food and terrible broken sleep. I never felt like this on my other two and this baby was planned, I am afraid to tell my partner as I feel I should be happy. Can't even bring myself to talk to my GP as I guess he cant do anything about it. Please tell me what I should do. Every day feels like a week and I am snapping at the kids which I hate.
- Started by Joan on Feb 14, 2017
I have PND for the last 3 months, am on medication, very much up and down. really obsessed with the thought that if I moved to another house and place I would feel better. I cant seem to settle, everytime I leave the house even to do the shopping I dont want to come back, often sitting down the road in the dark. I have been told that I should not make any decisions until I am better but I feel this stopping me from getting better. To me it makes a lot of sense, I want to be nearer my family and I really hate my house. Is there anyone else out there that this has happened to?
- Started by Jill on Dec 19, 2016
Have a toddler of 3 and a baby of 8 weeks and feel so awful, dont want to do anything, no interest in Christmas, presents, decorations. seeing everyone else so happy makes me worse. How am I going to get through this next week, did go to GP put me on tablets and I just dont know what happening. Dont know what to do, please help.
- Started by John on Apr 30, 2016
I'm sure my wife has pnd, she's rejected me and our marriage how do I help her
- Started by Aidan on Jul 02, 2015
This is the scaries time of my life, we have a lovely four month little girl, she is the apple opf my eye. I love being a Dad but I hate PND it has robbed me of the wife I knew and loved so much. She is so down all the time is very unsure cant make desissions and gets so angry with me. I dread coming home as I dont know what I will have to face. she has an odd good day and I am hopefull
She has started on medication a few weeks ago and is attending a support group. I feel so affraid that this will never end, I feeln lost in the middle of all this everyone asks for my wife and they dont seem to realise that no one is looking out for me.
- Started by Peter on Mar 13, 2015
Hey everyone, I am new to this so bear with me. My partner was diagnosed with PND back in October 14, she is on strong anti-depressants and has her good days and bad days. I don't know what to expect every time I come in the door from work every evening. For example, Friday night I came home and she was in great form and happy, but, last night she was telling me that she does not want to live anymore and feels she would be better off if she commited suicide. I don't know what to do, I love her very much and support her as best I can, but nothing I do seems to help. Do I speak to her GP behind her back? Has anyone else gone through something like this? She is a fantastic mother and our kids are lucky to have her, I just don't know what more I can do? Any advice out there please? Thanks in advance