Reply to Affraid I neglecting my older child

Posted By Joan on Aug 28, 2015

You sound so like me I thought it was going to be so easy as I thought I knew it all from the first time, but no it wasnt easy trying to mind 2 babies and trying to breast feed, the older one always seemed to want something when I sat down to feed. This is where TV comes in handy or getting someone to take the older one off for as hour to give you a break, I am sure there are lots of people you can ask. The first few months are really hard going so any support you are offered take it. You are doing brillant to have BF for 2 months you have given your little girl a great start. You dont have to struggle in silence, talk to your GP your Public Health Nurse they are there to help. Very important to try to get some exercise for yourself, even a short walk will stand to you.

Posted By Liz on Aug 20, 2015

I have a 3 year old little boy and a 2 month old little girl, I am breast feeding and feel it taking up so much of my time as well as trying keep up with house work and tring to give my 3 year old attention, I am worn out and have huge guilt that I not getting it right. I thought it would be so much easier this time around but it isnt and I feel I cant tell anyone I am struggling.