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Subject: First time mother not coping 3 Replies

  • Started by Anonymous on Sep 21, 2018
Hi, I had my first baby 5 weeks ago. All along I don't think I felt 100%, was always wondering if I had enough love for my son. This week I have gotten much worse. I can no longer eat, and have no energy as a result. I don't want to be anywhere near my son, have no interest in him at all. My doctor has told me I have post natal depression, and has put me on medication. Will these feelings go away? How long will it take? Will I be able to bond with my son and enjoy him? Thanks

Subject: on the other side 0 Replies

  • Started by caro on Nov 05, 2016
hi everybody , i just want to write here to let your know there is the other side and the light at the end of the tunnel will come . I had pnd 12 years ago i felt all the feeling and maybe more had all the bad thoughts that we don't like to even talk about . there will be a day you will look back and say , here i am i got through it .

Subject: Don't want my baby 1 Replies

  • Started by Sinead on Nov 05, 2016
Hi sinead , i suffered many years ago and with pnd i found i was numb with feelings but they will come back . i was put on prozac which took me 6 weeks to feel normal .

Subject: Women's mini marathon cork 1 Replies

  • Started by Olivia on Sep 07, 2016
Is anyone going to do the cork Women's mini marathon 25th sept for pnd.ireland

Subject: Pnd returning 1 Replies

  • Started by Ger on Nov 05, 2016
New to this forum I'm wondering is it possible post natal depression can creep back even tho my child 1 and a half. I had pnd for about 4 months after my second child was born. Things got better until two weeks ago the overwhelming feelings came back and the vivid imaginations. Crying for no apparent reason. Any info would be great.
  • Started by Hannah on Apr 15, 2016
Hi I am 33weeks pregnant and have two other children.with my first I believe I had pnd which went undiagnosed 10 years later I had my second child and pnd hit me hard luckily I managed to open up to my partner, after not trusting myself to be left alone anymore, and he took me to the doctors and where I started on meds strait away and after time I started feeling better. When my daughter was a year old I became pregnant again and so came off the meds and have managed ok. though i have found no happiness in this pregnancy and i just want it over and done with but in myself I have not felt the darkness come over me again until today. I woke in the night with dark nightmares that left a disgusting morbid darkness on me that I can't shake all day,it's also given me a reminder of the dark days I suffered during pnd before and now I feel scared and tired realising I don't know if I have the energy to get through it again. I'm also feeling confused though as i don't understand why I am feeling like this now while I'm still pregnant? Is this normal?can it be starting again already? Im prepared to start my medication as soon as igive birth but i have 7 weeks of pregnancy left what will I do?
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