Hello, my first time here. I have a little girl, 9 months old. I'm a FTM and have been struggling with coming to grips with that. I tend to put alot of pressure on myself and am generally self aware and able to cope well. However, since my daughter was born, I've felt a huge increase in anxiety, low mood, irritability and rage (which is directed to my partner). I can't seem to control my emotions no matter how hard I try. I've had counselling sessions and have benefited from them in the moment and immediately afterwards but can't seem to transfer the learning to real life. I'm also sleep deprived as my daughter only wants to sleep with me and won't go into her cot anymore. We are co sleeping and I have no evening to unwind. My concentration is so poor. The counsellor suggested that medication might be a good option and I linked in with a doctor from my maternity hospital who suggested sertraline as I'm still breastfeeding. I'd love to hear other people's experiences of using this drug and how/ if it helped them. Thank you so much
Hi Anonymous, I have responded to your message on our Mums forum. I hope you get other responses from those who have similar experiences to you and can offer support, and those who have used Sertraline and can share their experiences with you 💜 - Hannah, PND Ireland.