hi, I suspect my wife has PND. She is a fantastic mother of 11 months, but she worries all the time that she is not good enough, not doing the right things and she has a real fear that people will steal our baby, she has fallen out with family & friends over little things, I suspect it is just to keep distance between them & our baby. she had mood swings from all is well to things are terrible, I reassure her all the time, but this does not land, she is convinced she is doing it all wrong. I try to talk with her, but she says that everything is "fine". I don’t know what to do because I don’t want to betray her trust by telling someone about this. can you suggest any ways to help her?
Thank you for making contact, I know you are worried, has your wife been to her GP she really needs to talk to a medical professional who will tell her if she has Postnatal Depression. I had that where I thought not good enough and always compairing myself with other Mums. When we are not well we take it out on others close to us, mainly because we are affraid. How does she got on with the Public Health Nurse? she might be worth a call. I was constantly looking for reassurance from my husband it would work for a short while then I would be scared all over again. I really encourage you to take her to the GP. Is she bad for all of the 11 months? We have a Support group in Cork maybe you could encourage her to ring 021 4922083 or go on the Facebook PND Irl It is important for her to talk to someone that has been and come out the other side. I found the support group so helpful giving helpfull suggestions and hearing other women's stories.