Is this PND?

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Posted By Anonymous on Jun 05, 2018

Hi there, can someone please tell me if what I'm feeling sounds like PND? Some days are great, really great but then other days I just want to curl up in bed and cry all day long. I have a 2 year old and a 5 month old and some days I really struggle, today being one of those days. I feel like I'm being very short with my 2 year old, very easily irritated and then I feel so guilty and cry. Thinking about going to the gp tomorrow to talk to her but I'm quite anxious about speaking to someone because I know I'm going to burst into tears while talking about it. Any advice would be very much appreciated

Posted By jILL on Jun 06, 2018

YOU SOUND SO LIKE ME, I really think you should go to your GP, it is so important to talk. It is a very much up and down illness and common to take it out on the older child and as you said the guilt is terrible. Are you eating ok? when I was bad couldnt eat and when good was ok. Are you sleeping? this was a big issue for me. Have you support? really important to get out for a walk even if only around the block, have you someone to talk . to? Look up helpfull suggestions on Attending a support group really helps, there is one in Cork on last Tues of the month in CUMH at 8pm. Take one day at a time and look on posotives. Ring the office for a chat 021 4922083

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