Interview Request

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Posted By Anonymous on Jan 25, 2018

Hello Ladies, I am a writer and mom of two who had postnatal depression after the birth of my son in Kerry. I am American and back living in the US but still go back and forth from Kerry as my husband is from the Dingle Peninsula. I am working on a book about my experience with PND and am looking for other moms who would be willing to talk with me, either by phone or email. I recently published a feature in the Irish Times that can be seen at the link below. The Ray Darcy show contacted me about my experience and is hoping to put together a radio show if they can find enough mom's to talk about their own experience. Terrifying prospect I know but I think it will help women. Please email me at or find me on FB if you are interested. More info about me and my work is on my website at

Posted By Michelle on Mar 15, 2018

Hi coleen I would be happy to talk about my pnd experience ( would not have said that 2 years ago) often thought how id like to reach out ti ither mothers who may be goin through it at the moment but never sure how to do it. Theres still such a stigma surrounding the subject and wgen i was suffering especially in kerry there was mo help there. So feel free to msg me

Posted By T XX on Sep 07, 2018

I would love to do this but can't because at the moment I'm suffering from post traumatic stress disorder nearly 8 years an had a baby 3 months ago an was diagnosed last week with post natal depression no1 around me understands he wants me off my meds an back to normal just like that can anyone give me advice please through email xxxx

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