I have a 10 month old daughter and over the last 3 months I have completely hit rock bottom.. I dont like the person I have become. I get thoughts that I should run away and end all of these feelings. Ive no confidence anymore. I dont want or ever feel like being intimate with my partner since having my daughter. I cant tell anyone because I dont want them to think im being dramatic. My partner is so loving I know he doesnt deserve this. I hide these feelings everyday from everyone it is exhausting. I did ring GP but cannot be seen for a week as they are busy. I dont know how I will get over feeling so broken and lost. Ive thought about going to A&E before I crack..
Hi Thanks for reaching out to us , Could you maybe try your GP again to see tell them that it is an emergency but you can go to A&E if you don’t get an appointment. You could always phone your public health nurse. Your daughter is still very small only 3months its so hard to get in to routine and she needs her mammy so please don’t feel like you should do anything it takes time to feel yourself again but it will come. Your partner sounds great and as i say you are 12weeks after a baby some women can take months even a year to feel ready to be intimate again this is so normal. Its good that he is loving an I’m sure he will be so supportive if you talk to him if you haven’t spoken to anyone i can imagine that you must have everything bottled up and you probably feel like you could burst with all the thoughts running through your mind. Please ring the office 0214922083 or 0834850689 and we will talk with you or if you feel more comfortable doing it by email support@pnd.ie we can talk trough email its fully confidential that is what we are here for please do not suffer alone.
Hi there, I feel similar to you. I have 3 month old son. Sometimes I think just having coffee with a friend would help but nobody actually understands and then I feel even lonelier. You sound like a very nice person. I dont know what would work for you I tried Online therapy and it does seem to relax me for a while.
You are still covered by the perinatal mental health team at your maternity hospital up to 12 months PP. My public health nurse was the first person I spoke to (also at 3months PP) and she referred me to the team at the hospital - took about 2 weeks for the appointment though. In your case I agree with last poster you need to tell GP reception it is an emergency and you need an urgent appointment. If they ask what it is you can say you only feel comfortable discussing your private health issue with the doctor. My GP did an urgent phone call after I spoke to PHN.
You are still covered by the perinatal mental health team at your maternity hospital up to 12 months PP. My public health nurse was the first person I spoke to (also at 3months PP) and she referred me to the team at the hospital - took about 2 weeks for the appointment though. In your case I agree with last poster you need to tell GP reception it is an emergency and you need an urgent appointment. If they ask what it is you can say you only feel comfortable discussing your private health issue with the doctor. My GP did an urgent phone call after I spoke to PHN.