I had my baby 2 years ago, I never really accepted I had PND until he was 1. It was an incredibly difficult time as he had reflux, a problem with his neck after the long labour and we also moved house. I blamed all of these things and thought it would pass. I feel like I never got the bonding time with him and still struggle to enjoy my time with him. It can feel like a effort some of the time. How do I move forward and make up for lost time ? I don't have much support around me, my husband is amazing ! My friends all had babies around the same time and had lovely experiences which made me back away from them. I don't know how to move forward and let go of the feelings I have. I have a older teenager too and it was just such a lovely experience having her. I know it shouldn't feel like this and it makes me so sad to not have the same feelings this time.
Hi Becky you must stop looking back, what happened is in the past and should stay in the past or you will drive yourself crazy. You have a great awareness of what went wrong re birth, reflux, moving house, you went through a rough time but you need to look to the future and dont give up, your little boy is only 2 he will not remember any of this stuff. You need to give him some of your special time, take him to the park, take a trip the Fota something special just for the two of you. Your friends that say they had a fantastic time are probably putting lots of it on, most new Mums find the first year very hard going but they don't like to admit it. Please dont give up on your son, I went through a rough time with my second but didn't give up, we now have a really brilliant relationship. Your little boy needs his Mum, start from today and enjoy this so precious time, give him lots of cuddles, get down on the floor and play with him, it will not happen by magic but it can happen. Good luck..