Reply to Much improved but still getting bad days

Posted By Maura on Aug 11, 2015

Hi Katie, oh I remember it well and it will go away, try to stay posotive (which I know is so hard) go out for a walk, just get out of the house, wallowing will not help. It is hard to get over the last bit, I think we get very impatient at the end and just want it gone. Keep talking it really helps. I found keeping a mood diary really helped to keep my confidence going. One day at a time and you will get there.

Posted By Katie on Aug 05, 2015

Have PND for 5 months and things have really improved at last but still getting the odd bad day or two. When it happens I get so affraid that it is back again nearly go into a panic attack. Please tell me this will stop or what I should do. Must say this forum has really helped me, just reaising that I am not on my own has been a great help. Thank you so much.