Helpful Suggestions

Antenatal & Postnatal Depression

We don't know enough about PND to prevent it in the first place, but certain principles make sense:

If you have suffered from PND before, that doesn't mean that you will do so again. However, it is only sensible to keep in touch with your GP (and, after the birth, your Health Visitor) so that should there be any signs of recurrence, treatment can start at once.
If you have suffered from PND before, that doesn't mean that you will do so again. However, it is only sensible to keep in touch with your GP (and, after the birth, your Health Visitor) so that should there be any signs of recurrence, treatment can start at once.
Take life one day at a time. Try to find the positive in things. Not everything in your life is always negative, even if it feels like it at the moment. It will be difficult at the start but do try. If you don't look for the positive things in your life you won't see them.
Be open about your feelings and worries to people you can trust and who will understand, it helps so much to have someone you can turn to. If you can't easily find someone, try our support group or the Irish Childbirth Trust (CUIDIU) - their local groups are very supportive before and after childbirth.
Don't blame yourself or your partner, tiredness and irritability on both sides can lead to quarrels and 'having a go' at each other may weaken your relationship when it needs to be at its strongest. Accept that life is tough at this time but it will get better.


Do go to ante natal classes and take your partner with you!
Don't move house (if you can help it) while you are pregnant or until the baby is six months old.
Try to reduce commitments during your pregnancy. (If you are at work, make sure you get regular and sufficient nourishment and put your feet up during your lunch hour).


Take every opportunity to get your head down. Try to learn the knack of catnapping. Your partner can give the baby a bottle feed some nights. It is really important to get sleep especially if you have had a bad day.
Try not to be SUPERWOMAN caring for a baby 24 hours a day is very exhausting. You are allowed to drop your standards for a while.
Involve your partner as much as possible.
Don't be afraid to ask for help with kids / housework
Let yourself and your partner be intimate, even if you don't yet feel like sex: at least kiss and cuddle. This will comfort you both and lead all the sooner to the return of full sexual feeling.

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Jan 28


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Contact Details

  • PND Ireland,
    Administration Building,
    Cork University Hospital,
  • 021 4922083

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